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College and Career Readiness

We will keep you apprised of upcoming events such as College and Career Fairs in-house and abroad, college tours, college visits to Shroder, college testing dates, Financial Aid Night, FAFSA workshops, and the Junior College Intersession. Additionally, the Guidance Office will provide information about online SAT and ACT practice tests in addition to providing hands-on preparation for both tests during after-school tutorial sessions. All scholarship information with corresponding links can be found in our post-secondary funding section. This section provides specifics on the college application process with guides to researching potential programs that aren't limited to two/four-year colleges and universities. Our ultimate goal is to provide every student with a premier educational foundation that leads to their success in the future.

Students at Shroder Career Fair

When discovering what career options are best for you, be sure to follow the steps below:

Explore Careers

Examine Educational Options

College Information

  • Perform a Google College search. Look up colleges that match your career options and suit your needs.
  • Register for the ACT. A great perk about the ACT, you are scored for the answers that are correct and NOT penalized for incorrect answers.
  • Register for the SAT. This test is more analytical and reasoning based. The flip side, testers are penalized for incorrect answers.
  • Student athletes who wish to play college sports should check out the NCAA requirements before applying for college. For more information or to register, visit

Trade Schools

To search for apprenticeships, visit the Occupational Handbook. Make sure to type "apprenticeship" in the search for the handbook text box.

Military Opportunities

Visit any military branch website. Also, visit the Occupational Handbook.

Post-Secondary Funding Information

As we all know, the rising costs of post-secondary education, regardless of university or vocational program, is a major concern for all high school students and their families. However, there are many resources that are available to help alleviate some of the pressure and make the funding process smoother. We've compiled a list of sources and will add more as time goes along.

College/University Funding

Trade School Funding

Post-Secondary Program Funding For Students with Disabilities

College Credit Plus

In conjunction with Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, we offer our qualified students an opportunity to earn college credits for FREE in the CPS College Credit Plus program. Our course offerings cover our core curriculum on an advanced level and give students academic rigor, discipline and experience in balancing college life. For more information, contact our Guidance Office at (513) 363-6965.